Characteristics of Prayer
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 723:
Narrated 'Ubada bin As-Samit:
Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever does not recite Al-Fatiha in his prayer, his prayer is invalid."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 724:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle entered the mosque and a person followed him. The man prayed and went to the Prophet and greeted him. The Prophet returned the greeting and said to him, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." The man went back prayed in the same way as before, returned and greeted the Prophet who said, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." This happened thrice.
The man said, "By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I cannot offer the prayer in a better way than this. Please, teach me how to pray." The Prophet said, "When you stand for Prayer say Takbir and then recite from the Holy Qur'an (of what you know by heart) and then bow till you feel at ease. Then raise your head and stand up straight, then prostrate till you feel at ease during your prostration, then sit with calmness till you feel at ease (do not hurry) and do the same in all your prayers
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 725:
Narrated Jabir bin Samura:
Sa'd said, "I used to pray with them a prayer similar to that of Allah's Apostle (the prayer of Zuhr and 'Asr) reducing nothing from them. I used to prolong the first two Rakat and shorten the last two Rak'at." 'Umar said to Sa'd "This was what we thought about you."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 726:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada:
My father said, "The Prophet in Zuhr prayers used to recite Al-Fatiha along with two other Suras in the first two Rakat: a long one in the first Rak'a and a shorter (Sura) in the second, and at times the verses were audible. In the 'Asr prayer the Prophet used to recite Al-Fatiha and two more Suras in the first two Rakat and used to prolong the first Rak'a. And he used to prolong the first Rak'a of the Fajr prayer and shorten the second.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 727:
Narrated Abu Ma'mar:
I asked Khabbab whether the Prophet used to recite the Qur'an in the Zuhr and the 'Asr prayers. He replied in the affirmative. We said, "How did you come to know that?" He said, "From the movement of his beard."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 728:
Narrated Abu Ma'mar:
I asked Khabbab bin Al-Art whether the Prophet used to recite the Qur'an in the Zuhr and the 'Asr prayers. He replied in the affirmative. I said, "How did you come to know that?" He replied, "From the movement of his beard."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 729:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada:
My father said, "The Prophet used to recite Al-Fatiha along with another Sura in the first two Rakat of the Zuhr and the 'Asr prayers and at times a t verse or so was audible to us."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 730:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
(My mother) Umu-l-Fadl heard me reciting "Wal Mursalati 'Urfan" (77) and said, "O my son! By Allah, your recitation made me remember that it was the last Sura I heard from Allah's Apostle. He recited it in the Maghrib prayer. "
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 731:
Narrated Marwan bin Al-Hakam:
Zaid bin Thabit said to me, "Why do you recite very short S&ras in the Maghrib prayer while I heard the Prophet reciting the longer of the two long Suras?"
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 732:
Narrated Jubair bin Mut'im:
My father said, "I heard Allah's Apostle reciting "At-Tur" (52) in the Maghrib prayer."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 733:
Narrated Abu Rafi:
I offered the 'Isha' prayer behind Abu Huraira and he recited, "Idha-s-Sama'u-n-Shaqqat" (84) and prostrated. On my inquiring, he said, "I prostrated behind Abu-l-Qasim (the Prophet) (when he recited that Sura) and I will go on doing it till I meet him."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 734:
Narrated Al-Bara:
The Prophet was on a journey and recited in one of the first two Rakat of the 'Isha' prayer "Wat-tini waz-zaituni." (95)
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 735:
Narrated Abu Rafi':
Once I prayed the 'Isha' prayer with Abu Huraira and he recited, "Idha-s-Sama' u-nShaqqat" (84) and prostrated. I said, "What is that?" He said, "I prostrated behind Abu-l-Qasim, (the Prophet) (when he recited that Sura) and I will go on doing it till I meet him."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 736:
Narrated Al-Bara:
I heard the Prophet reciting wat-tini wazzaituni" (95) in the 'Isha' prayer, and I never heard a sweeter voice or a better way of recitation than that of the Prophet.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 737:
Narrated Jabir bin Samura:
'Umar said to Sa'd, "The people complained against you in everything, even in prayer." Sa'd replied, "Really I used to prolong the first two Rakat and shorten the last two and I will never shorten the prayer in which I follow Allah's Apostle." 'Umar said, "You are telling the truth and that is what I think a tout you."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 738:
Narrated Saiyar bin Salama:
My father and I went to Abu Barza-al-Aslami to ask him about the stated times for the prayers. He replied, "The Prophet used to offer the Zuhr prayer when the sun just declined from its highest position at noon; the 'Asr at a time when if a man went to the farthest place in Medina (after praying) he would find the sun still hot (bright). (The sub narrator said: I have forgotten what Abu Barza said about the Maghrib prayer). The Prophet never found any harm in delaying the 'Isha' prayer to the first third of the night and he never liked to sleep before it and to talk after it. He used to offer the morning prayer at a time when after finishing it one could recognize the person sitting beside him and used to recite between 60 to 100 verses in one or both the Rakat."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 739:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Qur'an is recited in every prayer and in those prayers in which Allah's Apostle recited aloud for us, we recite aloud in the same prayers for you; and the prayers in which the Prophet recited quietly, we recite quietly. If you recite "Al-Fatiha" only it is sufficient but if you recite something else in addition, it is better.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 740:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet set out with the intention of going to Suq 'Ukaz (market of 'Ukaz) along with some of his companions. At the same time, a barrier was put between the devils and the news of heaven. Fire commenced to be thrown at them. The Devils went to their people, who asked them, "What is wrong with you?" They said, "A barrier has been placed between us and the news of heaven. And fire has been thrown at us." They said, "The thing which has put a barrier between you and the news of heaven must be something which has happened recently. Go eastward and westward and see what has put a barrier between you and the news of heaven." Those who went towards Tuhama came across the Prophet at a place called Nakhla and it was on the way to Suq 'Ukaz and the Prophet was offering the Fajr prayer with his companions. When they heard the Qur'an they listened to it and said, "By Allah, this is the thing which has put a barrier between us and the news of heaven." They went to their people and said, "O our people; verily we have heard a wonderful recital (Qur'an) which shows the true path; we believed in it and would not ascribe partners to our Lord." Allah revealed the following verses to his Prophet (Sura 'Jinn') (72): "Say: It has been revealed to me." And what was revealed to him was the conversation of the Jinns.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 741:
Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:
The Prophet recited aloud in the prayers in which he was ordered to do so and quietly in the prayers in which he was ordered to do so. "And your Lord is not forgetful." "Verily there was a good example for you in the ways of the Prophet."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 742:
Narrated Abu Wa'il:
A man came to Ibn Mas'ud and said, "I recited the Mufassal (Suras) at night in one Rak'a." Ibn Mas'ud said, "This recitation is (too quick) like the recitation of poetry. I know the identical Suras which the Prophet used to recite in pairs." Ibn Mas'ud then mentioned 20 Mufassal Suras including two Suras from the family of (i.e. those verses which begin with) AL, HA, MIM (which the Prophet used to recite) in each Rak'a.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 743:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada:
My father said, "The Prophet uses to recite Al-Fatiha followed by another Sura in the first two Rakat of the prayer and used to recite only Al-Fatiha in the last two Rakat of the Zuhr prayer. Sometimes a verse or so was audible and he used to prolong the first Rak'a more than the second and used to do the same in the 'Asr and Fajr prayers."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 744:
Narrated Abu Ma'mar:
We said to Khabbab "Did Allah's Apostle used to recite in Zuhr and 'Asr prayers?" He replied in the affirmative. We said, "How did you come to know about it?" He said, "By the movement of his beard."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 745:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada:
My father said, "The Prophet used to recite Al-Fatiha along with another Sura in the first two Rakat of the Zuhr and 'Asr prayers. A verse or so was audible at times and he used to prolong the first Rak'a."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 746:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abi Qatada:
My father said, "The Prophet used to prolong the first Rak'a of the Zuhr prayer and shorten the second one and used to do the same in the Fajr prayer."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 747:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet said, "Say Amin" when the Imam says it and if the Amin of any one of you coincides with that of the angels then all his past sins will be forgiven." Ibn Shihab said, "Allah's Apostle used to Say "Amin."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 748:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "If any one of you says, "Amin" and the angels in the heavens say "Amin" and the former coincides with the latter, all his past sins will be forgiven."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 749:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "Say Amen' when the Imam says "Ghair-il-maghdubi 'alaihim wala-ddal-lin; not the path of those who earn Your Anger (such as Jews) nor of those who go astray (such as Christians); all the past sins of the person whose saying (of Amin) coincides with that of the angels, will be forgiven.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 750:
Narrated Abu Bakra:
I reached the Prophet in the mosque while he was bowing in prayer and I too bowed before joining the row mentioned it to the Prophet and he said to me, "May Allah increase your love for the good. But do not repeat it again (bowing in that way)."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 751:
Narrated Imran bin Husain:
I offered the prayer with 'Ali in Basra and he made us remember the prayer which we used to pray with Allah's Apostle. 'Ali said Takbir on each rising and bowing.
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 752:
Narrated Abu Salama:
When Abu Huraira led us in prayer he used to say Takbir on each bowing and rising. On the completion of the prayer he used to say, "My prayer is more similar to the prayer of Allah's Apostle than that of anyone of you."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 753:
Narrated Mutarrif bin 'Abdullah:
'Imran bin Husain and I offered the prayer behind Ali bin Abi Talib. When 'Ali prostrated, he said the Takbir, when he raised his head, he said the Takbir and when he got up for the third Rak'a he said the Takbir. On completion of the prayer Imran took my hand and said, "This (i.e. 'Ali) made me remember the prayer of Muhammad" Or he said, "He led us in a prayer like that of Muhammad."
Volume 1, Book 12, Number 754:
Narrated 'Ikrima:
I saw a person praying at Muqam-lbrahim (the place of Abraham by the Ka'ba) and he was saying Takbir on every bowing, rising, standing and sitting. I asked Ibn 'Abbas (about this prayer). He admonished me saying: "Isn't that the prayer of the Prophet?"