
Earth Spherical in Quran

Earth is a sphere. Moslems say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that when the night and the day overlap, they make a ball (sphere):

[Quran 39.5] [Allah] Created the heavens and the Earth in truth. He overlaps [Yukawer in Arabic] the night over the day and overlaps [Yukawer يُكَوِّرُ] the day over the night, and enslaved the sun and the moon. ALL MOVE (Kullon Yajree كل يجري) move to a prerecorded destiny. Is He not the Exalted, the Forgiver?

The Arabic word “Kura” means ball; its verb “Yukawer” means: to make into a ball. The Quran says that the overlapping of the night and the day makes a ball (sphere).

Here also the Quran is referring to ALL MOVING: not only the sun and moon but also Earth. In Arabic grammar there is difference between the singular (one), binary (two) and plural (three or more). The reference to binary is “Kulahuma Yajreean كلاهما يجريان” however the Quran said “Kullon yajree كل يجري” referring to the plural (three or more). Since the sun and moon are just two but the Quran refers to three or more then according to the Quran all the three move: sun, moon and Earth.

Science says that the rotation of Earth is slowing down, that is, days are getting longer. Moslems say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that Allah persistently asks more of the day and more of the night, that is, for the day to get longer:

[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne. [Allah] Covers the night with the day, asks for it persistently; and the sun and the moon and the stars enslaved by His orders. Is this not His creation and His command? Blessed be Allah the Lord of all the worlds.

If God asks more of the day and more of the night then this means the days are getting longer. Physics wise, this means that the rotation of Earth should be slowing down. However this is what it really turned out to be: The rotation of Earth is indeed slowing down.

[Quran 50.7] And the earth We have spread it out (والارض مددناها), and set thereon mountains standing firm, and have produced therein every kind of lovely pairs (of plants).

The Quran says that God spread out the Earth ‘والارض مددناها’ meaning increase in surface area during formation. ‘Madda’ in Arabic means ‘spread out', however it was mistranslated to ‘flat’. Flat in Arabic is “musattah مسطح” and its verb (to make flat) is “sataha سطح” however neither were used in the entire Quran. The Quran says that God spread out Earth, that is, increased the surface area. Our solar system is 4.57 billion years old. Earth started accreting concurrently with the sun and our neighbouring planets 4.57 bln years ago.

However during the accretion process the radius of Earth was not spontaneously 6400 km; but rather started a few kilometers long and progressively increased. But the surface area is a function of the radius, that is, as the radius increases the surface area increases (surface area = 4πR2). So the Quran correctly described the surface area as increasing. (This is contrary to the Christian Bible where the creation of Earth was spontaneous.)

After the Romans were defeated by the Persians the Quran predicted that they shall be victorious again in the lowest of land. It happened that they achieved victory against the Persians in a battle on the Dead Sea.

[Quran 30.2-3] The Romans were defeated. In the lowest of land (adna in Arabic) they will be, after this defeat, victorious again.

Adna in Arabic has two meanings: the nearest and the lowest. Today we know that the Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth (423 m or 1388 ft below sea level).

Mistranslations: Quran 18.86 sun setting in a muddy pool.

(The Christian Bible says that Earth is a 2 dimensional flat disk and the heaven is like a canopy: Isaiah 40:22. And since Earth is flat then Jesus could see the entire Earth from a single high location Matthew 4:8)

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