
In The Name Of Allah

A miracle is a divine act which defies and transcends universal norms and laws, which God grants to His messengers and apostles in order to convince people of the truth of their message. Knowing that His messengers would inevitably be challenged to perform such miracles, God bestowed upon them this power.

Thus was Abraham (AS) able to withstand burning by the fire; Jesus (AS) restored sight to the blind and raised the dead; and Moses (AS) parted the Red Sea. The Holy Quran is the living miracle bestowed by God upon the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and it was revealed to him through the Holy Spirit (Gabriel).

Today, approximately 1412 years have passed, and nobody has been able to change a single letter or produce its imitation as it is said in the Quran (See Sura Higr, 15:9), and the statement of the Prophet (pbuh):


The Quran (Koran, the book of Islam) contains scientific knowledge that could not have been known 1400 years ago. It ranges from basic arithmetics to the most advanced topics in astrophysics. You are invited to go through those miracles and judge for yourself.

The worker bees, those who gather pollen and make the honey, are actually all females. The male bees do not make honey. This was only known recently. However 1400 years ago the Quran refers to bees that generate the honey as females (the Arabic grammar is in the female mode):

The Miracles of the Quran

[Quran 16.68-69] And your Lord (Allah) revealed to the bees: Build your hives in mountains, trees and in what people build. Then eat (for females) from every fruit and follow (for females) your Lord's enslaved paths, from their bellies (for females) exits drink of different colors, in it healing for man. These are signs for those who contemplate.

For the word “eat”: “Kuli” is for females; “Kul” is for males. The Quran used “Kuli” (females).
For the word “follow a path”: “Usluki” is for females; “Usluk” is for males. The Quran used “Usluki” (females).
For the word “their bellies”: “butuniha” is for females; “butunihim” is for males. The Quran used “butuniha” (females).

How could an unlearned (uneducated) man who lived 1400 years ago have known that those honey making bees are females?

(Contrary to reality, the Christian Bible claims that there are four legged insects Leviticus 11:20. It also claims that there is an animal that has “flames stream from its mouth; sparks of fire shoot out. Smoke pours from its nostrils as from a boiling pot over burning reeds. Its breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from its mouth”. Job 41:19-21)
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