
Living Miracles (part 3)


Translations of Holy Qur’an have been made in all the important languages of the world, which is more or less serviceable to those who do not know Arabic. It is to be remembered, however, that it is in the original Arabic language that the message has come down to us . The Holy Qur'an cannot be interpreted by mere translation. The translation without the commentary notes of explanation could be misleading for common readers. There are few reliable exegesis( tafsir) available that must be consulted and may be study under the supervision reliable teachers who are also known for their piety.

The Qur'an has both an apparent (inward and outward) and deeper meaning , an apparent meaning, which can be understood by all, but the Deeper spiritual significance not understood by everybody. It is in this connection that Rasulullah (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) has said: “Whosoever expresses his personal opinion in respect of anything in the Qur'an commits a mistake, even if he be right in his 

opinion.” Some scholars hold that the word ‘outward', i.e., the body of the Qur'an, refers to its words, which can be recited properly by everybody and the word ‘inward', i.e., spirit, refers to its meanings, and its underlying ideas, the understanding of which varies with the ability of the readers. it not possible for everybody to understand the underlying significance and real meanings of the Holy 

Qur'an. An unbecoming present-day fashion is that even those who possess a little or no knowledge of Arabic vocabulary teach common people with aid of unreliable commentary and offer their personal opinion on the basis of vernacular translations of the Qur'an. They are not only committing major sin but also misleading others. It is, therefore essential that the commentator of the Holy 

Qur’an must be well versed in at least fifteen related subjects. The work of tafsir is a very difficult task. Only those persons can reach the depth and profound knowledge of Holy Qur’an that can be only attain through the External and internal purity. The profound knowledge is not possible without ilm-e-Wahbi (clear or gifted understanding) bestowed by Almighty Allah upon His selected ones

The gifted knowledge is within the capacity of a man. To get this knowledge from Allah, one should adopt the means to this end, e.g., acting upon the knowledge that one has acquired, and disinclination towards the world. Three persons are not blessed with complete understanding of the Qur'an. First, 

one who is not well versed in Arabic, secondly, one who persists in committing a major sin or indulges in act of religious innovation, because these actions blacken his heart, which in turn prevents him from understanding the Qur'an. Thirdly, one who is a rationalist, even in the matter of faith, and feels embarrassed when he reads verses of the Qur'an which he is not able to fully rationalize.


Allah (subhananahu wa ta’ala the Glorious and the Exalted) says in Holy Qur’an

· That Book has no doubt in it a guidance for the Allah fearing…. (2:1)

· …and vividly recite the Qur’an with clarity 73:4

Those to whom We have given the Book and they recite it observing the rights of its recitation, it is they who believe in it. And those who disbelieve in it, they are the losers. (2:121)

Anyone may say with their tongue that they believes in His book, they are not telling the truth unless they recites it. Therefore, there are three (3) rights of Qur’an upon us. If anyone gives its three rights then they will be said to have given it all its rights. However, if they fails to give any one of these rights then they will not have given the rights of recital of the Qur’an

To recite it correctly in the manner it was revealed to the Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam as he recited it.

Try to understand it and to comprehend its truths and knowledge.

To act on its teachings and guidance

Certain people suggest now a days that there is no point in reciting the Qur’an like parrots. They also say that “We must understand its meaning otherwise there is no use in reciting it” “What may be gained by reciting without understanding?”

May Allah protect us from us this ideas, This is a deception of Satan which is being introduce among the Muslims.

Thus, to recite the Qur’an is a distinct purpose, a pious deed and reward receiving. It is the same thing weather we understand what we recite or do not understood, It is one of the purposes of the Prophet’s mission. Recital in itself is a goal – to recite without understanding is the first step. “Only after climbing one can be go to the next step” The Qur’an is by itself, a means of reward and excellence the virtuous deeds will be the currency of the hereafter.

The prophets are not sent merely to deliver the word of Allâh. They are also required to explain the divine Book, to interpret it, to expound it, to demonstrate the ways of its application and to present a practical example of its contents. Their duty is not restricted to reciting the words of the Book, rather they are supposed to teach it and to train people to run their lives in accordance with its requirements. The Holy Qur’ân leaves no doubt concerning this point by saying:

Allâh has surely blessed the believers with His favor when He raised in their midst a Messenger from among themselves, who recites to them His verses and makes them pure and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom, while they were, earlier in open error. (3:164)

He (Allâh) is the One who raised up, among the unlettered, a Messenger from among themselves who recites the verses of Allâh, and makes them pure, and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom. (62:2)

Our Lord, raise in their midst a messenger from among themselves who recites to them Your verses and teaches them the Book and the Wisdom and purifies them… (2:129)

These are the terms of references given to the Holy Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam which include four distinct functions and he has been entrusted with all of them.

(1) Recitation of the Verses of Allâh.

(2) Teaching the Book of Allâh.

(3) Teaching the Wisdom.

(4) Making the people pure.

Thus, the Holy Qur’ân leaves no ambiguities in the fact that the Holy Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam is not supposed to merely recite the verses and then leave it to the people to interpret and apply them in whatever manner they like. Instead, he is sent to “teach” the Book. Then, since 

teaching the Book is not enough, he is also required to teach “Wisdom” which is something additional to the “Book.” Still, this is not enough, therefore the Holy Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam has also to “make the people pure,” meaning thereby that the theoretical teaching of the Book and the “Wisdom” must be followed by a practical training to enable the people to apply the Book and the Wisdom in the way Allâh requires them to apply.

These verses of the Holy Qur’ân describe the following functions of the Holy Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam

(a)He is the authority in the way the Holy Book [the Qur’ân] has to be recited.

(b) He has the final word in the interpretation of the Book.

(c) He is the only source at which the wisdom based on divine guidance can be learned.

(d) He is entrusted with the practical training of the people to bring his teachings into practice.

Content of the Holy Qur'an

The Holy Qur'an generally give the basic principles, without going into the minute details of the issue. This procedure is followed even the describing the important injunctions such as daily five time prayers (salah) which is an important pillar of Islamic faith. To establishment of daily Prayers has been ordered in the Qur’an at seventy three places. 

Yet the Holy Qur’an does not furnish many details about how daily prayers is offered., how many Rak’at (units) how many prostrations, what to recite etc. The Qur’an itself has not detailed these factors but left it for the Holy Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam who taught his companions these details both by his words and practices. This important source of knowledge is know as Hadith (saying, action and confirmation) of the Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

The Prophet Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam said:

The best among you is he who learns the Qur’an and or teaches it

Going to a Masjid and reciting or teaching two ayaat (verse) is more precious than two she-camels, three ayaat are more precious than three she-camels…………

When anyone recites the Qur’an, they gets ten virtues written down for him against each letter…..

One who is well versed in the Qur’an will be in the company of those angles who are scribes, noble and righteous , and one who falters in reading the Qur’an, and has to exert hard to learning, earns double the reward

Indeed Allah desires that the Qur'an be recited in the manner it was revealed


Ma'arfiful Qur'an ( English translation) by Muft Muhammad Shafi – English translation revised by Mufti Taqi Usmani – Maktaba-e-Darul- Uloom Karachi Pakistan

“ISLAHI KHUTBAAT” Discourses on Islamic Way of Life by Justice Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani english translation by Iqbal Hussain Ansari Published by Darul Isha'at Karachi Pakistan.

Islam and Modernism Justice Taqi Usmani

The Preservation of the Original Teachings of Islam by Dr. Muhammad Hamidullah

Miracles of the Holy Qur'an Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya) Ankara Turkey
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