
Miracles and judge for yourself

These two verses in Holy Quran says that He ( Allah ) released two sees that are meeting side by side and they do not cross the barrier which is between them.There are many picture surroundings on Internet about this miracle but there is a lack of authenticity.But a few days ago i saw a picture and investigated about it and found it to be authenticated.This is the image :


God wants to boost our faith in the power of the Atonement so we will know that it is God’s desire for all of His people to walk in divine health and to minister complete healing to others. The commission of Mark 16:17, 18 should not merely be words on a page, but a daily reality–

‘And these signs will follow those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.’

If you’re a believer, then you are a candidate for this commission!


Christians today often fail to see Him as the resurrected, victorious Christ. They still relate to Him as the suffering, afflicted, wounded Jesus on the cross. Much of the church presents Jesus that way today. Isaiah is saying that surely, in the same way that He has suffered for our iniquities, He was beaten for our sicknesses. After Christ suffered and died, He conquered the grave and rose victorious over sin and disease so we can now walk in victory over these same enemies.

It is vital that the church begins to emphasize the overcoming power of Christ! Yes, He suffered on our behalf, but now He is the conquering One who has overcome sin, sickness, disease, death, and poverty. If we will put our faith in the victorious Christ, we can receive the blessing of sozo — the forgiveness, liberty, and healing He has provided for all through His atoning sacrifice, a sacrifice freely given so we can live a victorious Christian life by overcoming sin and sickness.


God’s covenants are extremely powerful and sure because God is a God of His word. His promises are even surer than His name, than His very nature as God. If He promises something, He does it. It’s as simple as that! God’s promise of healing, “by whose stripes you were healed” is a sure thing we can stand on (1 Peter 2:24).

Two Seas Meet But Do Not Mix

These two verses in Holy Quran says that He ( Allah ) released two sees that are meeting side by side and they do not cross the barrier which is between them.
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