
Living Miracles of the Quran (part 1)


All praise be to Allah Who created mankind, gave them the gift of expression and revealed for them the Holy Qur’an, which is a source of advice, healing , guidance and mercy for those who have faith. The Holy Qur’an contains nothing that is doubtful or crooked. It is absolutely straight an authority and enlightenment for the believers.

Al-Qur'an, the Muslims Holy Book, is the final divine revelation (message of Allah) communicated through His final messenger Muhammad (Salla-Allahu alayhi wa sallam). Muslims believe that Islam is the perfect way of life and the Holy Qur'an is a complete code for entire humanity.

The Holy Qur'an contains a universal message for the whole of mankind without any limitation of time and space. it seeks to guide man in all walks of life – spiritual or worldly, individual or collective. It contains directions and code of conduct for rich or poor educated or uneducated alike. 

The Qur'an is an ocean of knowledge which deals with thousands of subjects, many of which have not yet been explored by men. It speaks of the best rules relating to laws of culture, civilization, morals , social justice, administration, leadership, mutual dealings, distribution of wealth, economics, spiritualism, Divine recognition, purification of souls, enlightenment of hearts, unions with Allah organization and welfare of humanity, purpose of this creation and so on.

The Qur'an seeks primarily to develop a personality of an individual – every being will be personally responsible to His Creator. With this purpose, the Qur'an not only gives commands, but also tries to convince. It appeals to human's reason as it relates stories, parables and metaphors. It describes the 

attributes of Allah, Who is One, Creator of All, Knower, Powerful, capable of resuscitating us after death and taking account of our worldly behavior, Just, Merciful, etc. It contains also the mode of praising Allah, of pointing out which are the best prayers, what the duties of man are with regard to Allah, to his fellow-beings and to his own self. It reminds them everything is belongs to Allah and He expects us utilize it according His wish in exchange for everlasting life in hereafter in Paradise.

The Qur'an speaks of the best rules relating to social life, commerce, marriage, inheritance, penal law, international law, and so on. But the Qur'an is not a book in the ordinary sense – it is a collection of the Words of Allah, were revealed, during the course of twenty-three years, to His messenger sent among human beings. The Qur'an employs graphically the word “king” for Allah, and “slave” for man. When a king desires to communicate a message to His slave, He sends a messenger, and gives 

His instructions to his envoy. Therefore, there are certain things understood and implied; there are repetitions, and even changes of the forms of expression. Thus Allah speaks sometimes in the first person and sometimes in the third. He says “I” as well as “We” and “He”, but never “They”. It is a collection of revelations sent occasion by occasion (and this fact must be recalled to the beginner) and one should therefore read it again and again in order to be able to grasp the meaning better. It has directions for every person, every place and for all time.

Qur'an has many miraculous attributes proving that it is a revelation from Allah. Every Prophet of Allah is given a miracle – a sign. The miracle of Holy Prophet is the Qur’an. Today no other miracle of any prophet exist except the Holy Qur’an, a living miracle until the day of judgment
Noviji Stariji