
The Holy Quran A Living Miracles


The Holy Qur'an is a divine scripture that was reveled in the Arabic language over fourteen centuries ago. “We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an, in order that you may understand (learn wisdom). (12:2)” Its language is still alive and living form of communication and remained intact in the original form as when the Holy Qur’an was revealed. Millions of people still speak, write and communicate today the same way as it was employed in Arabian. After Islam, the Arabic language did not remain the monopoly of one nation but It became the the language of all those who entered the faith. It is said that one can not call oneself as Arab until one knows the language of Qur’an

The beauty of Qur’an lies with its eloquence and purity of its impressive style of language . The diction and style of the Qur'an are magnificent and appropriate to its Divine quality. Its recitation moves the spirit even for those who only listen to it without understanding it. . The words of Qur’an are clear and balance. It explains important concepts in a precious but simple manner. The speech of the Qur’an is harmonious balance and consistent and every word is irreplaceable. 

In spite of claims about other books , Qur'an is the most read and the only completely memorized book throughout its history. It is also the most studied book in the world. It has stimulated development of entire disciplines of knowledge dealing with its reading, writing, and interpretation. Hundreds of Millions of copies have been printed or handwritten in nearly every age and every corner of the world. Without any variant in the text.

We will assuredly guard it (from corruption 15:9) this verse is a challenge to mankind and everyone is obligated to believe in the miracles of this Qur'an. It is clear fact that more than 1400 years have elapsed and not a single word of this Qur'an has been changed, although the disbelievers tried their utmost to change it in every way, but they failed miserable in their efforts. As it is declared in the holy verse By Allah He has guarded it every possible way. 

On the other hand, for other Divine Holy Books such as the Taurat (Torah) the Injeel (Gospel) no such guarantee was declared and one can see that these scriptures were corrupted in form of additions deletion or alteration in their original text.. Even the the languages in which they were reveled have been completely lost . At present such scriptures are exist in its corrupted form merely in translation and in many versions.

The early Muslims have observed that many important words has been repeated the exact number of times which is relevant to the natural occurrence. For example The phrase the “seven heavens” is repeated 7 times The word “day” is repeated 365 times while the word “moon” is repeated 12 times many cases the certain important concepts have been repeated equal number to its opposite idea. For example the words, “world ” and “hereafter” are each repeated 115 times. 

The word “faith” (iman) (without genitive) is repeated 25 times throughout the Qur’an, as is also the word “infidelity” or the phrase “covering over the truth.” (kufr). When we count the word “say”, we come up with the result of 332. We arrive at the same figure when we count the number of times the phrase: “they said” is used. The word “shaytan” is used 88 times. The word “angel” is also repeated 88 times. As explain there many miracle attribute of Holy Qur’an the numerical system may been one of them. Describing the numerical system of Holy Qur'an as main and important miracle of the Qur'an is not correct.


Allah says in Holy Qur’an “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message (Dhikr- Qur'an) ; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption). Al-Hijr 15:9) and “It is for Us to collect it and to give you (Muhammad Sallallaho alaihe wasallam) the ability to recite it (Qur'an) (Al-Qiyammat 75:17) Allah guarantees that He will preserve and protect this Book. Some of the remarkable features of the Qur'an are: The Holy Qur’an has been continue to be preserved in Memory by large number of individuals in every age and their number is ever growing,

 Secondly its pronunciation or in the manner it was recited had been also preserved and this knowledge is pass on to from person to person, thirdly its text is preserved in the original text and that was arranged under the auspices of the Holy Prophet himself fourthly, along with its text the meaning of Holy Qur’an have been preserved , the entire exegesis of the Qur'an is intact today as it was explained to the companions by the Prophet and to their successors without change in it. Fifthly, its teaching or commandment have been preserved in action by the Muslim community in all ages.


The Muslims learnt and memorized the Holy Qur’an from person to person . As result of their efforts that the Qur’an is preserved to this day. Every year during the Holy month of Ramdhan the believers witness a unique spectacle at almost all mosques around the globe. They stand in special prayers in which the prayer leader recites the entire Qur'an from memory. 

Those who have accomplished this extraordinary feat of memorizing all of the 6246 verses are not a handful of devotees but there are millions in number living today and still increasing ever since through the ages – this tradition nothing but Allah’s plan to preserve His Book. As young as 10 to 14 years Arab or Non-Arab alike have been memorizing the Holy Qur’an many of them have little or no knowledge of Arabic language 

Yet they have learnt to pronounce each and every word of the Qur’an correctly. The phenomenon is not a result of some religious revival that would pass. From the very first day that the Qur'an was revealed, it was memorized. And the number of those who have memorized it has been increasing ever since. Memorization of Qur'an has been going on all through the centuries, all over the globe wherever Muslims are.

The habit of learning the text of the entire Qur'an by heart dates from the time of the Prophet himself. The caliphs and other heads of Muslim states have always encouraged this habit that coincidence has further reinforced the integrity of the text. In fact, from the very beginning, 

Muslims have been accustomed to study any Islamic subject in the presence of its author or one of his authorized pupils and obtain his permission of further transmission of the text established and corrected at the time of study and collation. 

Those who recited the Qur'an by heart or had simply read the written text acted in the same manner as well. The habit has continued down to our own day, with this remarkable feature: that every teacher would indicate in detail in the certificate given by him, that not only was the rendering of his pupil correct, but also that it was in conformity with that which this teacher had learned from his own teacher, and that this last had affirmed that he in turn had learnt it from his teacher, the chain leading back to the Prophet. 

The writer of these lines studied the Qur'an at Madinah with Shaikh al-Qurra, Hasan ash-Sha'ir, and the certificate he obtained, notes among other things, the chain of teachers and teachers of teachers, and in the final act how the teacher had studied simultaneously from ‘Uthman, ‘Ali, Ibn Mas'us, Ubaiy ibn Ka'b and Zaid ibn Thabit (all companions of the Prophet) and that all had taught exactly the same text. The number of hafizes are counted by hundreds of thousands in the world today, and millions of copies of the text are found in all parts of the globe. And what deserves to be noted is that there is absolutely no difference between the memories of these hafizes and the texts employed.
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